Author Guidelines
JIST Manuscript Submission Guidelines - 2021 (Revised)
JIST Manuscript Submission Guidelines:
The authors are requested to go through the following guidelines before preparing their manuscript to fulfil JIST’s Editorial requirements:
1. File format: Manuscripts in Microsoft WORD file formats will only be considered. No PDF/other file formats are NOT considered for publication. The word limit for Original Research Articles/Review Articles is up to 3000 words. Case reports should not be more than 2000 words.
2. TITLE: Title of a scientific paper is window to the study/topic you need to tell a scientists community. Hence, please be careful enough to make the title of your topic to be scientific as far as possible. It is highly recommended to avoid Novelistic ornamentation and sensationalism in your title. We recommend - for Original studies: your title should imply the exact aim/objective, nature (e.g. cross-sectional/retrospective/descriptive/analytical study, etc.) and duration of your study. For case-reports/series or reviews: title should be precisely indicating the conclusion/outcome aim of the topic. For example: for an Original article - Accidental poisoning in rural India: A 5-year Institution based Cross Sectional Study. For a case report/series - A report on Survived cases of Ayurvedic-medication induced Lead toxicity: A Case series, etc. If required, the geographic region of the study may also be used.
3. ABSTRACT: is essentially vignette of your whole study. It should be as specific and to the point (max. within 150-250 words) Please, avoid unnecessary elaboration of background or introductory. At a glance, it should reflect the message of the whole topic without repeating the introduction/discussion parts. For original studies, we highly recommend to make your abstract in AMRC format [Aims & objective, Materials & methods, Results, Conclusion]. Keywords: are short phrases that capture the main topics of the article. The probability of your article captured through a web search depends on the accuracy of your ‘keywords’. A minimum of 6 (MeSH compatible) Keywords required and separate each by semi-colon(;). Terms from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) list of Index Medicus should be used; if suitable MeSH terms are not yet available for recently introduced terms, present terms may be used. Make all keywords in small letters unless indicated & avoid abbreviations in keywords.
4. MANUSCRIPT Design & FONTS: Preferably, follow these formats for designing your manuscript - for Original studies: IMRDC format (Introduction, Materials & methods, Results, Discussion & Conclusion). For Reviews: Background, Discussion, and Conclusion. For case-reports or Case-series: Introduction, Case-report, Discussion, and Conclusion.
a. Please, add subtitle ‘Conflicts of interest’ after Conclusion followed by ‘Limitations of study’ & Acknowledgement (if any).
b. TITLE: font size 14 (First letter Upper case & rest small. Bold faced, center justified, No Underline, No italics). May use colon or hyphen to separate parts of title. Max 40-50 words, e.g. Descriptive Analysis of Accidental Poisoning in Rural India: A Five Year Institution based Cross-sectional Study.
c. Sub-title: All sub-titles in capital, bold faced without italics. Font size 12 (All in Upper case & Bold faced). Please, Do NOT use (underline, italics, hyphen/semicolon/colon marks, bullets numbering in Sub-titles).
d. Main text: font size 12 (preferably, CALIBRI). Mention In-text citations within square brackets AFTER punctuation mark at the end of sentence, e.g. in text citation. [Reference number]
i. Incorrect: Characteristic post-mortem findings were found in 42.85% cases of kerosene and 25% of copper sulphate poisoning; which is consistent with findings of Pillay VV, et al. and other authors[12].
ii. Correct: Characteristic post-mortem findings were found in 42.85% cases of kerosene and 25% of copper sulphate poisoning; which is consistent with findings of Pillay VV, et al. and other authors.[12]
a. Provide a context or background for the study only, i.e., the nature of the problem and its significance.
b. State the specific purpose or research objective of, or hypothesis tested by, the study or observation.
c. Give only strictly pertinent references and do not include data (discussion or conclusions) from the study being reported.
d. Restrict within 300-400 words.
6. Material &Methods: it’s the backbone of your study. So be extremely careful while writing this part.
a. Please, ensure the following to be in your methodology section - Duration & type of study, sample size & sampling methods, institution geographic location only (please, avoid to write your Institute name, as we are using blinded peer-review methods), Selection & exclusion criteria, statistical method & software, institute ethical clearance.
b. Selection and Description of Participants: Describe your selection of the observational or experimental participants (patients or laboratory animals) clearly, including eligibility and exclusion criteria and a description of the source population.
c. Technical information: Identify the methods, apparatus (give the manufacturer’s name and address in parentheses), and procedures in sufficient detail to allow other workers to reproduce the results. For these you may use bulleted subheadings in this section. Give references to established methods, including statistical methods; provide references and brief descriptions for methods that have been published but are not well known; describe new or substantially modified methods, give reasons for using them, and evaluate their limitations. Identify precisely all drugs and chemicals used, including generic name(s), dose(s), and route(s) of administration.
d. Statistics: Describe statistical methods with enough detail to enable reader with access to the original data to verify the reported results. When possible, quantify findings and present them with appropriate indicators of measurement error or uncertainty (such as confidence intervals). Define statistical terms, abbreviations, and most symbols. Specify the computer statistical software & its version used.
e. Never forget to write about the institutional/ICMR Ethical clearance status.
7. Results: Results must be presented in logical sequence in the text, tables, and Figures/graphs, mentioning the most important findings first; emphasize only important observations. Do not repeat the Observations wrote in ‘Results’ again in tables or figures. Try to give a balanced mix of Graphs, tables and charts for your observation. Please, choose appropriate graphs/charts consistent to your data. In Results section, give numeric results not only as percentages but also as the absolute numbers from which the derivatives were calculated, and specify the statistical methods used to analyze them. Restrict tables and figures to those needed to explain the argument of the paper and unnecessary/deliberate use of tables/graphs/figures will not be considered. Use graphs as an alternative to tables with many entries; do not duplicate data in graphs and tables.
8. Photographs/photomicrographs: are the backbones of Case-reports/case-series. The credibility of case-reports/series is diminished (thence, its chance of acceptance) without photographs, photomicrographs, or illustrations. Kindly provide photographs/ photomicrographs for all Case-reports/case series. [One journal in India, possibly in the World, i.e. the JIST provides FREE-OF-COST printing services for High quality Colour photographs/micrographs. But they have to be relevant to the contents of paper].
a. Please, choose appropriate graphs & tables for demographic statistical data. A balanced mix of graphs & tables for original articles is always preferred over the irrelevantly chosen tables & graphs.
b. Maximum numbers of acceptable graphs, tables & figures for a particular manuscript is seven. Acceptance of graphs/tables figures beyond seven numbers subject to the discretion of the editors.
c. If photographs of people are used, either the subjects must not be identifiable or their pictures must be accompanied by written permission to use the photograph.
d. Figures: Only digital, high quality images will be considered for publication. Scanned images: use min. 300dpi for black & white, and minimum 600dpi for colour. Never send PDF format.
e. Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they have been first cited in the text.
f. Tables (use separate MS Word files): Please keep tables with double spacing in MS Word file. Number tables consecutively in the order of their first mention in the text and supply a brief title for each. The title and contents of the table must not be repeated within text again. Give each column a short or abbreviated heading
g. In case of some Explanatory matter for tables/fig, should be placed in footnotes below the table in font size 1pt lower thanthat of the table. Explain in footnotes all nonstandard abbreviations. Identify statistical measures of variations, such as standard deviation and standard error of the mean.
h. Please, be sure that each table is cited in the text in the order of their appearance.
i. Do not bold & capitalise ‘Title’ of Table/Figure/Graphs, etc.
j. Illustrations: either drawn professionally, or photographed, or submitted as photographic quality digital prints. In addition to requiring a version of the figures suitable for printing, electronic files of figures in a format (e.g., JPEG or GIF) that will produce high quality images in the web version of the journal is desirable; authors should review the images of such files on a computer screen before submitting them, to be sure they meet their own quality standard.
k. Colour illustrations should be restricted to the maximum of 2 numbers per paper.
l. Photomicrographs: should have internal pointers/markers. Symbols, arrows, or letters used in photomicrographs should contrast against the background. Mention magnification value, type of staining, and type of microscopic method (if required).
9. Legends: are the titles for Figures/Tables/Illustrations have to reflect the exact nature/message of contents. It should not be a partial or superficial representation of contents. Please, restrict within 20-40 words. Fonts size 12, smaller case, non-bold, non italic, no underlines, black colour. a. Please, keep legends outside the box of tables/figures/graphs. b. The Figures/ Tables legends should not be repeated again in the text.
10. Discussion: please, avoid clubbing ‘Discussion’ with ‘Conclusion’. Do not repeat the information/contents of Introduction or Results sections. It is useful to begin the discussion by summarizing briefly the main findings, then explore possible mechanisms or explanations for these findings, compare and contrast your results against relevant references/studies. Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study so that you can make a logical conclusion thereof.
11. Conclusion: must not be extensive & large repeating the meaning of the paper again & again. It is better to make the Conclusion, concise and pointing to the exact outcome of your study (with or without limiting factors), e.g. analysing the implications of the findings for future research and for clinical practice. You may state the limitations of the study as well with feasible recommendations for future studies.
12. Limitations of the study (optional): its good practice to mention the limitations to your study. It increases the honesty quotient & acceptability of your study.
13. Conflicts of interests: to Declare conflicts of interest and the Limitations of study, Acknowledgement (if any) after Conclusion.
14. Acknowledgement: if required.
15. References: please, strictly adhere to ICMJE format or Vancouver format of referencing. Number all references in text as per their order of appearance in text (in-text citations). The number of references indicates the degree of literature review made by the authors. Hence, it is requested, for Case reports the no. of references should not be less than 15-20 numbers; for Original papers, minimum 20-25 and for, review, not less than 30 references are accepted. Carefully check for typo errors, coma punctuation mark errors in references. For your information, we have illustrated sample referencing format as follows:
A. Standard Journal articles:
a. Up to six authors: - Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL. Solid organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. N Engl J Med 2002;347:284-87.
- Tor M, Turker H. International approaches to the prescription of long-term oxygen therapy [letter]. EurRespir J. 2002;20: 242.
b. More than 6 authors: Rose ME, Huerbin MB, Melick J, Marion DW, Palmer AM, Schiding JK, et al. Regulation of interstitial excitatory amino acid concentrations after cortical contusion injury. Brain Res. 2002; 935: 40-46.
c. No author given: 21st century heart solution may have a sting in the tail. BMJ. 2002;325(7357):184.
d. Organization as author: Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group.Hypertension, insulin, and proinsulin in participants with impaired glucose tolerance. Hypertension. 2002; 40: 679-86.
B. Journal article on the Internet
- Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am J Nurs [Internet]. 2002 Jun [cited 2002 Aug 12];102(6):[about 1 p.]. Available from: A JN/2002 June Wawatchhtm Article.
- Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am J Nurs. 2002 Jun [cited 2002 Aug 12];102(6):[about 1 p.]. Available from: http://www.
- Zhang M, Holman CD, Price SD, Sanfilippo FM, Preen DB, Bulsara MK. Comorbidity and repeat admission to hospital for adverse drug reactions in older adults: retrospective cohort study. BMJ. 2009 Jan 7;338: a2752. doi: 10.1136/bmj. a2752.PubMed PMID: 19129307; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2615549.
- Foley KM, Gelband H, editors. Improving palliative care for cancer [Internet]. Washington: National Academy Press; 2001 [cited 2002 Jul 9]. Available from: http://www.nap. edu books/0309074029 html/.
C. Homepage/Web site/part of a homepage/Website:
- [Internet]. New York: Association of Cancer Online Resources, Inc.; c2000 01 [updated 2002 May 16; cited 2002 Jul 9]. Available from: http:/www.
- American Medical Association [Internet]. Chicago: The Association; c1995-2002 [updated 2001 Aug 23; cited 2002 Aug 12]. AMA Office of Group Practice Liaison; [about 2 screens]. Available from:http:// category/1736. html.
D. Database (Open/Closed):
- Who’s Certified [Internet]. Evanston (IL): The American Board of Medical Specialists. c2000 [cited 2001 Mar 8]. Available from:
- Jablonski S. Online Multiple Congenital Anomaly/ Mental Retardation (MCA/MR) Syndromes [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); c1999 [updated 2001 Nov 20; cited 2002 Aug 12]. Available from: http:/www title.html.
- MeSH Browser [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2002 - Meta-analysis [cited 2008 Jul 24]; [about 2 p.]. Available from: http://www.nlmnih.govcgimesh / 2008/MB cgi?mode=&index=6408 & view concept MeSH Unique ID: D017418.
E. Blogs: - Holt M. The Health Care Blog [Internet]. San Francisco: Matthew Holt. 2003 Oct - [cited 2009 Feb 13]. Available from: blog/.
- [Internet]. New York: Kidney Notes. c2006 - [cited 2009 Feb 13]. Available from:http://www.kidneynotes. com/.
- Wall Street Journal. HEALTH BLOG: WSJ’s blog on health and the business of health [Internet]. Hensley S, editor. New York: Dow Jones & Company, Inc. c2007 - [cited 2009 Feb 13]. Available from: http://blogs.
F. Newspaper article: Tynan T. Medical improvements lower homicide rate: study sees drop in assault rate. The Washington Post. 2002 Aug 12;Sect. A:2 (col. 4).
G. Legal Material: Public law:Veterans Hearing Loss Compensation Act of 2002, Pub. L. No. 107-9, 115 Stat. 11 (May 24, 2001).
H. Dictionary and similar references: Dorland’s illustrated medical dictionary. 29th ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 2000. Filamin; p. 675.
I. Books
- Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Kobayashi GS, Pfaller MA. Medical Microbiology. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2002.
- Gilstrap LC, Cunningham FG, VanDorsten JP, editors Operative Obstetrics. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw Hill; 2002.p.292-95
- Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors. In: Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW, editors. The Genetic Basis of Human Cancer. New York: McGraw Hill; 2002. p. 93-113.
Units of Measurement
Measurements of length, height, weight, and volume should be reported in metric units (metre, kilogram, or litre) or their decimal multiples. Temperatures should be in degrees Celsius. Blood pressures should be in millimetres of mercury. For reporting hematological, clinical chemistry, and other measurements, International System of Units (SI) must be used. However, non-SI units may also be used if unavoidable. Drug concentrations may be reported in either SI or mass units, but the alternative should be provided in parentheses where appropriate.
Abbreviations and Symbols
Use only standard abbreviations; the use of non-standard abbreviations can be extremely confusing to readers. Avoid abbreviations in the title. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.
I. Author review
It is recommended that the Author(s) should review their prepared manuscript as per the under mentioned points. This will enhance the chances of acceptance of your paper. Please, try to find out answers for the points in your manuscript:
1. The manuscript submitted is relevant to the field of toxicology?
2. Is it a hypothesis driven study?
3. The title should be precise, scientific and exactly reflecting the nature/content of study and in accordance with the JIST Guidelines for making ‘Title’. Authors are advised to make all font size to 12 except Title (Font Size 14).
4. Is the language, grammar and syntax acceptable for a publication? Need corrections/spell checks?
5. Do the abstract concisely and accurately reflects the content?
6. Do the tables & table legends are in accordance with the JIST Guidelines?
7. Are the discussion interpretations and conclusions justified?
8. Whether correct reference format (ICMJE/Vancouver) and adequate numbers of references are made to other works in the field? It is suggested to cite the references according to the prescribed standards of Journal i.e. superscripting of number within brackets was also suggested.
9. Is the study is good shape for presentation to the international audience?
II. Sending the Manuscript to the Journal (JIST)
1. Manuscripts submitted electronically (email attachments) are only considered for publication recommended email:, with cc to
2. The manuscripts with the email ID of Correspondence Author (as mentioned in the manuscript) will only be considered.
3. Cover letter: manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter, which should include the following information.
- A statement that the manuscript has been read and approved by all the authors, that the requirements for authorship as stated earlier in this document have been met, and that each author believes that the manuscript represents honest work.
- The name, address, and telephone number of the corresponding author, who is responsible for communicating with the other authors about revisions and final approval of the proofs.
- The letter should give any additional information that may be helpful to the editor, such as the type or format of article in the particular journal that the manuscript represents. If the manuscript has been submitted previously to another journal, it is helpful to include the previous editor’s and reviewers’ comments with the submitted manuscript, along with the authors’ responses to those comments. Doing so may expedite the review process.
- A Copyright form (please, find the template in subsequent pages, or else can download from our website) properly filled in & signed by all authors
III. Payment for publications in JIST
Authors who are the existing members of the Indian Society of Toxicology (IST) are entitled to publish free of cost in JIST, provided he is the first author or corresponding author. Non-IST member is required to pay a nominal charge of Rs.1000/ author as processing fee. Journal hard copy will not be provided to any author.
Article submission: email to; with a cc to
For Payments: Please contact Dr VV Pillay, Treasurer, The Indian Society of Toxicology, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Cochin 682041, Kerala, India
Ph: +91 484-2858056 (Direct), +91 484-2851234 (Ext: 6034, 8096, 8056), Mobile: +91 9895282388, Fax: +91 484- 2802020; Email:; poisonunit@; WhatsApp: + 91 9895282388
Online A/c Transfer
Account name: Indian Society of Toxicology
Bank name: Dhanlaxmi Bank
Account No. 015505300000384
IFSC Code: DLXB0000155
Type of account: Savings
IV. Acceptance Letter
To avoid spurious use, the JIST does not send paper/hard copy formats of Acceptance letter or in any other formats like PDF/Scanned letterheads, etc. Accepted through the authorised emails
For article submission & related queries:
All queries regarding JIST and Paper submissions to be addressed to:
Dr. AnandMugadlimath
Editor-In-Chief, JIST, Dept. of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,
S N Medical College,
Bagalkot-587103, Karnataka
Email :
WhatsApp : +91 8888029210.